A preview of what's been going on.......
Although the original postings up to July/August are over on the original blog, now named, SpoiledMom: Happiness Is Not Material, We Interrupt This Blog For The Casey Anthony Saga.
I have finally gotten my personal blog back up and running. However, there are not many posts, due to my time at Casey Anthony Saga Blog.
I have lots of pictures to add, not to mention what has been going on in our lives during the Casey interruption. Cancer has progressed, girls have grown (and grown). They are both taller than I am...yikes! Oldest made Jr. Beta (hooray), youngest is still "all A Honor Roll", and they are doing a lot of changing....oy!
(Hi Supermum! Yes, I'm still alive LOL ! Missed chatting with you!)
Everyone is invited to follow both blogs. Please be patient, however, as I get "Seasons of Motherhood" up to date.
I am excited to be able to get back to "writing". I have been doing original writing over at the Casey blog, but it is not the same as what those who read the blog before. I enjoy writing about the goings on in life and having the exchange with others and incorporating it into the posts.
On the Casey blog, I tried mainly to report the breaking news, facts and findings, mixed in with my personal opinions, but not as much as on "SpoiledMom"...heh
Thank you for your patience and I hope I continue to have my old readers, as well as new readers from the Casey blog. It's like the best of both. Look for new additions to this blog, as well. I plan to add a lot of my southern recipes, teen parenting topics, as well as a few surprises! I am very excited about it!
I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Christmas! Relish the remainder of the season and wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
A new year full of health, prosperity, and love.