Jesse Logan, another young, beautiful life lost due to sexting/cyber-bullying
Parents Should Learn What Sexting is and How to Prevent It
Jesse Logan committed suicide over sexting, and her mother Cynthia Logan is bringing her daughter death out in the public to bring awareness to the consequences of sexting.18-year-old Jesse Logan did what so many other girls her age have done: She sent nude pictures of herself to her boyfriend. Jesse Logan and her boyfriend broke up and he decided to share the private pictures with other teen girls. The girls then started calling Jesse names such as slut and whore. The pressure was too much for Jesse and she took her own life, she committed suicide by hanging herself. Her mother, Cynthia Logan, was on the TODAY show today and explained what happened to her only child Jesse. Jesse Logan chose to speak out about sexting on television only two months before she committed suicide. Jesse just wanted to make other teens aware of the consequences of sending sexually charged pictures.
Cynthia Logan bravely talked to Matt Lauer to make other parents and teens aware of what can happen when you send nude pictures or sexually explicit messages through email or cell phone texts.
Teens who send and receive nude pictures can be charged with child pornography. Six teenagers in Pennsylvania were charged with child pornography after sending and receiving nude pictures on their cell phone. The teens ranged in age from 14 to 17 years old.
Many parents are wondering what is sexting?
Sexting is sending any nude or partially nude pictures, or sexually oriented messages through cell phone texting, email or posting on a social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook. Many parents wrongly assume their teen would never do such a thing. The fact is if you spend a few minutes on Myspace, Facebook or even YouTube you will find many sexually explicit pictures being posted and video being shared. Teens are also using webcams to record nude video of themselves. The webcams are easily viewable through most instant message (IM) sites like Yahoo chat.
Parents Should Learn What Sexting is and How to Prevent It
First, talk to your teenagers about what is appropriate. Often teen believe their boyfriend or girlfriend is their true love and day dream they will be together always. Teens often break up and in many instances the private pictures they shared get shown to everyone, just like Jesse Logan's did.
Second, make sure to frequently check what pictures your teen is posting to social networking sites. Ask your teen to show you their Myspace and Facebook profile pictures. Have your teen set their Myspace account to private so only friends can view the profile and pictures. Also, consider not allowing your teen to have a computer in their room and move the computer to a family location. Teens are less likely to send images when mom or dad could turn the corner at any moment.
Third, ask to see your child's cell phone and check the pictures sent and received. Many parent do not want to invade their teen's privacy but you have every right to see what is being sent and received on the cell phone.
Myspace has a safety site that has special information just for parents. You can visit it the parents site here. You will find good information on how to find out if your teenager has a myspace account, safety tips and information on how to delete your child's myspace account.
Facebook suggests all users between 13 and 18 ask their parents permission before registering for a profile.
NBC TODAY show -"Her teen committed suicide over 'sexting' "
CBS news "Sexting" Shockingly Common Among Teens"
CBS news -"Teens Who `sext' Racy Photos Charged With Porn"
Myspace safety for parents
Facebook -Facebook privacy policy
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