"Based on what I read I would assume that he had been dead for more than 24 hours," said Los Angeles Chief Coroner Investigator Harvey Craig.
A routine investigation into Armstrong's death is still under way, but the initial autopsy made clear the recently estranged husband of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong killed himself and was battling a severe depression which came on the heels of Taylor filing for divorce more than a month ago.
The 47-year-old father of three had been found on Monday at 8:16 p.m. after he failed to show for an afternoon meeting with his ex earlier that afternoon. Taylor and friends went on a frantic search for him, which ended tragically, with them finding Armstrong hanging from a wooden beam in a bedroom in his Mullholland Drive home.
In a statement issued earlier this week, Taylor Armstrong requested privacy so that she could console her five-year old daughter with Russell -- Kennedy -- who is occasionally seen on the Bravo series.
MORE: Could Russell's family successfully sue Bravo?
Taylor had filed for divorce from Armstrong after six years of marriage, citing physical and verbal abuse.
In addition to his marriage woes, Armstrong had a long history of major financial and legal troubles.
view more video on Russell Armstrong's death:
Russell's longtime attorney, Ronald Richards, reported this week that after recently speaking to Armstrong, he "seemed fine...just dealing with the normal problems affiliated with the divorce."
But, Richards added, Armstrong "was always depressed."
"He was always disappointed about the divorce and financial issues."
As for his depression, someone very close to another Housewives fixture is weighing in. Dr. Estella Sneider, who is a counselor and mother-in-law to Beverly Hills Housewife Kyle Richards, says dealing with suicidal patients is tricky.
"When I see general patients who have been suicidal, I ask what their plans are, why did they choose that. Explain the plans such as who will find them and what do they think people will think?" "It's amazing when people start exploring, they get to the message and the real pain that they're feeling. They let it go. Unfortunately, I wish more people would reach out and more professionals are there."
Sneider also said she has sent her condolences to Taylor and wanted to give her advice on talking to her young daughter about her father's suicide.
MORE: Condolences pour in
Taylor is currently planning Russell's funeral, which reportedly will have a closed casket due to the bodily injuries Armstrong caused himself when he died.
The tension between estranged wife Taylor Armstrong and Russell's family caused a conflict in planning Armstrong's funeral, confirmation now is that the two sides have come up with an agreement on how to grieve the loss of their loved one—holding two separate services.
MORE: Timeline of a Tragedy: Real Housewives' Russell Armstrong Was "Always Depressed"
The plans include for Russell's remains to be cremated.
His attorney, Ronald Richards, tells E! News the first service will be held in California, and then Russell's remains will be sent to Texas for a second service.
Richards also said that Taylor's attorney only just informed one of Russell's family members of the funeral arrangements, but Taylor has yet to contact Russell's parents or sister.
"They have now, after the family went public through my office, provided funeral information to a relative, at 4:30 p.m., but have still yet called his mother, father, or sister," he tells us.
The tension between estranged wife Taylor Armstrong and Russell's family caused a conflict in planning Armstrong's funeral, but now E! News can confirm that the two sides have come up with an agreement on how to grieve the loss of their loved one—holding two separate services.
The plans include for Russell's remains to be cremated.
His attorney, Ronald Richards, tells E! News the first service will be held in California, and then Russell's remains will be sent to Texas for a second service.
Richards also said that Taylor's attorney only just informed one of Russell's family members of the funeral arrangements, but Taylor has yet to contact Russell's parents or sister.
"They have now, after the family went public through my office, provided funeral information to a relative, at 4:30 p.m., but have still yet called his mother, father, or sister," he tells us.
This came right after Richards' initial comment to us about their funeral plans.
"They [Taylor and her attorney] are playing fast and loose. They have kept the funeral location, service, and time secret from his mother, father, and sister. His sister and father have told me that Taylor has not called them one time," Richards had said, "The dispute is anyone coming to participate in the funeral in Los Angeles, not sending his remains to Texas."
This came right after Richards' initial comment to us about their funeral plans.
"They [Taylor and her attorney] are playing fast and loose. They have kept the funeral location, service, and time secret from his mother, father, and sister. His sister and father have told me that Taylor has not called them one time," Richards had said, "The dispute is anyone coming to participate in the funeral in Los Angeles, not sending his remains to Texas."
As of Saturday morning, details for memorial services had been worked out between the families. Taylor Armstrong reportedly told a family member that Russell's mother could have the majority of Russell's remains, and Taylor would keep the remainder in her possession. This report clearly stating that Armstrong's remains would be cremated.