For those following the octuplets born last week, Kate Gosselin of Jon and Kate + 8, will appear on Larry King Live Monday night with her opinion on the story.
Kate Gosselin gave birth to two sets of multiples herself, first a set of twins, then to sextuplets 4 years later.
News today is reporting that the octuplet's mother's ex-husband is not the father of the fourteen children. The grandmother is stating that the mother is obsessed with children.
I have a post on this story that I have not finished. And to those readers that know me, you know it is going to be good... heh.
This posting is an update and to pass along that Larry King will have Kate Gosselin as a guest tonight discussing the story.
Acutal post of the octuplets (not to mention Kate Gosselin..damn, I wish I had finished yesterday and published) So here is my "proof" I had the blog posting already in draft before learning of Kate's appearance on Larry King. So, heh..
And for those wondering, I am doing okay after the last chemo cycle. I have received a lot of emails and have tried to answer as many as I can. I apologize to those that I have not yet answered. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I honestly appreciate all of them. Most of all, I appreciate YOU. Thank you for subscribing to this life of mine. Even if you don't subscribe, thank you for your readership. This blog allows me to empty my thoughts at times, as well as keep me busy while I am confined to bed (or sofa..heh). I want to start chronicling my chemo and cancer therapy more, but with the Caylee Anthony site, keeping up with the girls, the home, cancer, chemo and all the other Mommy duties, it is a daunting task.
Thank you to you all!
update 2.3.09 See video of Kate Gosselin on Larry King Live at this posting on the blog.
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